another one of these "make a connection with random occurances..." posts:
so we went to grandpa's house for christmas & had a merry old time. he gave my kid some mardi gras coins laying around to play with. they're bigger than a silver dollar, so not a choking hazard, but fun to clink, stack and jingle in your pocket.

amongst the greek gods, new oreleans saints players and other odd & sods, low and behold but who is depicted on one of them... Washington, Lincoln and the ex-president who just the same day had his ticket punched for the GOP convention in the sky, GERALD R. FORD!

i'll actually say "props" to the guy who holds the record for biggest friggin' mess inherited by a president. 'course, that record will be shattered when the drooling moron who currently holds the lease at 1600 pennsylvania avenue nw is deposed in 2008.
i wonder if Chevy Chase will be invided to the funeral... maybe even a pallbearer?

amongst the greek gods, new oreleans saints players and other odd & sods, low and behold but who is depicted on one of them... Washington, Lincoln and the ex-president who just the same day had his ticket punched for the GOP convention in the sky, GERALD R. FORD!

i'll actually say "props" to the guy who holds the record for biggest friggin' mess inherited by a president. 'course, that record will be shattered when the drooling moron who currently holds the lease at 1600 pennsylvania avenue nw is deposed in 2008.
i wonder if Chevy Chase will be invided to the funeral... maybe even a pallbearer?