i was quite confounded by this. cable stretch? is the cable slipping where it clamps to the front derailleur? is 105 just that bad (ok, this was just looking for an excuse to sink the $$$ into campy stuff)? but why doesn't the barrel adjuster ever completely unscrew?
and finally, the reason. i'm lubing the chain, just happen to bump the handlebar and see this:
if you can't watch the video, every time the bars go right, the cable guide binds on the barrel adjuster and makes it turn a little, thus screwing up the trim on the FD. not to mention making that annoying CREEEEK!
the cause: discovered.
the cure: well, i'd always considered running this as a 1x9. but i am open to other suggestions. maybe a metal cable housing end instead of the stock plastic one?
8 sept 2008 :: BWoUpdate... i replaced the housing and used a metal housing end & lubed generously. now the adjuster turns both directions. not quite the fix i thought it would be, but 105 users can't be choosers.
perhaps i'll just get lubed more generously.